• The Beauty of Keeping Things Simple

    Lorem ipsum urna dui, aliquet et tincidunt nec, feugiat vitae velit. Cras lacinia fringilla magna in pulvinar. Duis blandit mi lectus, a condimentum lorem cursus et. Aliquam finibus efficitur lacus a ullamcorper. Integer rhoncus tempus sem at egestas. Etiam sit amet risus ut diam commodo dapibus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed fringilla libero a bibendum luctus.

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  • My Minimalist Capsule Wardrobe

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer sed ante lorem. Quisque quis odio eu felis finibus dapibus eget commodo nisi. Curabitur ac felis fermentum, pulvinar tortor eu, mattis ante. Nam gravida lectus nec est vulputate, non ultricies nisi varius. Aliquam facilisis eget mi sit amet lobortis. Morbi blandit vitae ipsum in sollicitudin. Vestibulum

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  • How I Redesigned My Studio for Productivity

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce tincidunt tortor et turpis placerat, vitae auctor nisi dapibus. Ut eget maximus nunc, tincidunt ullamcorper urna. Mauris convallis tristique mauris a tincidunt. Praesent in aliquet enim, ut euismod lacus. Nam vitae lacus eu dolor maximus convallis in ut diam. Fusce tincidunt ut lectus nec lobortis. Nulla

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  • Gift Guide: For the Guys

    Don’t worry, in all the gift guide madness I did not forget about the gentlemen in your life. And once again, like in past years, I’ve turned to my dear friend Kyle to help me put this gift guide for the guys together. He knows his stuff, let me tell ya! And he always brings

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  • The Best Sales of Cyber Monday

    Alright, grab your coffee everyone, it is officially CYBER MONDAY! Yes, I know, some of you are already very shopped out thanks to this crazy weekend but there are still some wicked deals to be had. It’s the perfect time to get some Xmas shopping done (and maybe grab a little something for yourself, wink

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  • How to Have a Scandinavian Christmas

    One thing you may or may not know about me is that I have a fair bit of Nordic blood running through my veins. Growing up, there were always elements of my Scandinavian and Norwegian heritage around me, especially at Christmas. From the decorations on the table to the dishes we ate, it was always a

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  • Pregnancy Post: 30 weeks

    How has it been 6 weeks already since my last pregnancy post?! Holy crap!! I am 30 weeks everyone!! So much has happened since then and this baby is getting mighty big. Quick story: I saw my OB the other day and he went to measure my belly…”wow, this baby is growing!!” is what came out

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  • Friday Favourites.002

    Wow, what a week it’s been. I know most of us are pretty exhausted from the state of the world and slightly overwhelmed. I know I am! I actually had to just turn the TV off and try and stay away from all the news for a bit. Which was actually a great motivator to

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  • Seeing Some Changes: Why the Rebrand?!

    In the last week, you may have noticed some changes around these parts. Yes, I took a step in a new direction and decided to rebrand the blog that I have loved for years. If you’re a loyal reader, you may be wondering why. Or even if this is the first post you’re seeing, you may

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