ORC Week 3 – Babies and Renos Don’t Mix

Well we are halfway there everyone! Wow, just saying that makes me panic slightly – where has the time gone?! Today, my one room challenge check in is all about reality…no fun photos here unfortunately! If you don’t know me well, I had baby Jack almost 3 months ago and that in itself has been a whirlwind. I’ve been trying to balance having a baby with my work life, and at times, it ain’t so smooth! But that’s what happens when you have a business that you care about and want to maintain, even when a baby comes into the picture.

What I’ve taken away so far is that renovations are just that much trickier when you have a small baby. Demoing a space creates so much dust which gets all over everything! It’s the worst part of any renovation. So Jack and I have been trying to stay as far away as possible, upstairs, with doors closed. It’s not horrible, but I’m starting to feel a little stir crazy! And even though this bathroom is just a half bath, it is also our laundry space. So Ryan has been unhooking and then reinstalling the washer and dryer daily so we can use them while we renovate. It’s a bit of a pain but babies come with a lot of laundry!

Maybe the worst part of any renovation is how displaced everything becomes. We took everything from the bathroom and tried to organize it in the living room. It looks like sheer chaos! I just hate the mess…but even more so now that I’m also feeling overrun with baby things too. Clutter is my nemesis! At least with the bathroom cleared, I can go through everything and do a much needed purge! Who else loves getting rid of things as much as me?!One Room Challenge Week 3 One Room Challenge Week 3

This is my current reality people…just a mess! Let’s see where we are at in this process at least…

The One Room Challenge Checklist

  • demo done!
  • tile is in!
  • paint is in and started! This dark Soot colour is gorgeous (stay tuned!)
  • some amazing Delta products are on their way including a faucet, towel ring, toilet holder and robe hook!

The One Room Challenge To Do:

  • find a vanity option
  • get laundry appliances hooked up
  • find some storage options, organization items…baskets are a must!
  • accessories!!
Thanks for following along! Is any one else feeling the renovation pains right now?!
Check out some of the other amazing ORC makeovers happening here!
  • Can’t wait to see the finished result! I’m super impressed with the amount you’ve gotten done already with a 3 month old! I think I watched Netflix all day with mine.

  • Renovations with babies is definitely extra tricky… just wait until he starts wanting to move around all the time 🙂 Hopefully everything is finished and cleaned up soon!

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