Pregnancy Post: The First Trimester

the first trimester

Well, it’s been quite a ride so far! As of the beginning of this week, I am 15 weeks pregnant and really happy to have the scary first trimester behind me. I say scary because I was constantly waiting for something to go wrong or to lose the baby, much like my actual first pregnancy earlier this year. Yes, I had a miscarriage and yes, it was horrible. But that’s not for this post…maybe a future post will be written all about it, because I do think it is important to share these stories. But today, it’s all about this little bean who is healthy and growing!

Because I have very active Rheumatoid Arthritis (also a topic I want to explore more in the future), my pregnancy was and is not easy. The drugs that keep my inflammation and pain at bay aren’t safe for the little one so it’s a constant battle every day. At the moment, I have an ankle, a wrist and an elbow that are acting up, which makes simple day to day stuff tricky. And it’s forced me to rest more than I’m used to. So my visions of being a really active pregnant person and staying super fit have quickly gone down the toilet. Truthfully, it’s been the most frustrating part of this journey. All I want to do is get up and go for a jog or take a yoga class again or, hey, even be able to wash my hair normally. But that’s not the case right now. I’m trying to remember that the baby is the number one priority, but when you see the scale climbing before it really should be, it doesn’t feel great.

Besides that though, this bean has been taking it very easy on me and for that I am very grateful! I had no morning sickness or nausea, and the overall tiredness definitely went down as soon as I reached the second trimester. If it wasn’t for my stupid disease, this would be a cinch!

Anyways, here’s some more tidbits about my first trimester:

Overall First Trimester Feeling: Anxiety 80% Excitement 20% (which has switched now that I’m in my second trimester)

Telling Family: Was.So.Much.Fun. Obviously everyone is really excited for us but almost all of our friends and family sort of knew before we told them lol They were on to me the minute I refused some wine!

Food Cravings: Nothing specific. I really wanted fruit but that may just be because I love fruit in the summer anyways. Ice cream tasted extra good too…

Food Disgusts: None of that either actually! I never had much nausea so there was no food aversions from me. In fact, my appetite only got stronger once I was pregnant.

Hardest Diet Change: I switched to decaf coffee to lower my caffeine intake and I’ve been avoiding the foods that they suggest to avoid. I wanted to be extra cautious with this pregnancy. At first, because I’m such a coffee lover, I thought decaf was going to ruin my life, but it’s been a much easier transition than I thought. But, I won’t lie. The hardest change has been no wine lol. Especially when everyone is drinking so much in the summer. I’ve been making yummy drinks with soda water and having virgin Caesars so I don’t feel quite so left out lol.

Worst Body Change: The hormonal acne!! Who are these lucky women who glow?! That is definitely not me. My skin is the worst it has ever been and it’s killing me.

Best Body Change: The bump! I didn’t expect it to pop out so fast, but I guess I had just been pregnant before…so technically it was my second. Now that it’s looking a little more like an actual bump too and not just a fat tummy, I feel like my wardrobe options are opening up again!

Currently Living In: Loose dresses, my baggy black overalls and one pair of boyfriend jeans that still fit

Best Pregnancy Tip I’ve Gotten: My friend Stef told me about a little trick to loop a hair elastic through your button hole to secure the top button of your jeans. This is awesome and has saved me from having to buy new summer jean shorts.

Boy or Girl: Ryan says boy and I say girl (I mean they do say girls steal your beauty right?!)

Most Excited For: The gender reveal! Yes, we are definitely finding out the sex! And then…THE NURSERY!!!

Most Anxious For: Probably knowing what all I need to prepare for baby’s arrival. It seems like there is so much stuff and some of it a tad overkill?! I dunno if it’s just me but I feel a little overwhelmed with buying all the things and being organized. At least I have a lot of momma’s around me for support and amazing guidance.

Thank you again for all your love and encouragement. I feel very fortunate and can’t wait to share more! Happy weekend from me and the bean! xofirst trimester

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